- Only members of 100 Women Who Care Wilmot can nominate charities.
- To nominate a charity, members must have signed the 100 Women who Care Wilmot Commitment Form and be current in their donations.
- Charities should be Wilmot-based or, if based in the region, they must have a direct impact on the lives of Wilmot residents.
We do not accept nominations for specific denominational, national or international charities e.g. Canadian Cancer Society. - Each member may submit the name of 2 charities for consideration over the coming year. The member should have a personal association with or have personal knowledge of each charity. E-mailed nomination forms are preferred. Email to: 100womanofwilmot@gmail.com.
- Nominations that come in less than 10 days before the upcoming meeting will only be considered for the following meeting. Time is needed to contact the presenter and for her to prepare her "pitch".
- Junior members are also encouraged to nominate a charity. Their pitches need be only 1 minute.
- Charities not selected at one meeting will go back into "the hat" and may be pulled for consideration at subsequent meetings.
- You can also download a nomination form here »
- Completed commitment forms must be received by 100 Women Who Care Wilmot before the charity nomination is accepted.