Thinking Outside the 100 Women Box
Learning about the various charities that impact the lives of people living in Wilmot Township is only one of the benefits of 100 Women who Care Wilmot. And although there can only be one “winner” for each meeting, even the charities that fill the “runners-up” places can gain.
Such was the case at the August 2018 meeting. Presenting for the third time, the early literacy program Strong Start for Reading gained the most members’ votes, leaving the meeting with $10,000. But for one of the runners-up, K-W Habitation, it was also a windfall.
One member was so impressed with K-W “Hab’s” presentation, that she privately forwarded a cheque for $10,000 to support the organization’s community garden.
100 Women who Care Wilmot applaud this thinking “outside the box.” We encourage members who hear a presentation on any given meeting, (whether it gains the most of members votes) and wish to give to that cause, to do so privately.
We encourage such initiative.