August 2018
Members heard a third presentation from Strong Start to Reading and voted them the recipient of our donation. St. Monica’s House and K-W Habilitation also presented.
May 2018
Our spring meeting of 2018 focussed on the Arts with presentations from The Community Players, (TCP); the Drayton Theatre, and the Prime Minister’s Statues Project. The third time was a charm for the popular The Community Players
February 2018
Our winter meeting offered a varied group of presenters: Front Door Carizon which provides mental health services for children and youth; Mary’s Place and a second presentation for the Community Players. Front Door Carizon was the members’ choice.
November 2017
100 Women Who Care: Wilmot member Wanda Cakebread, who nominated WFRC, with Trisha Robinson, the Wilmot Family Resource Centre's Executive Director.
The Wilmot Family Resource Centre presented for the third time and received the majority of votes. Other presenters were the Bereaved Parents of Ontario (Waterloo) and Hope Spring Cancer Centre.
Sharon Gilroy-Dreher, representing Toasty Toes
August 2017
Our members heard presentations from three varied organizations: Nutrition for Learning, the Prime Minister’s Statue Project and a second presentation from the Waterloo-Oxford Student Assistance Fund. W-O was the delighted winner of our members’ votes
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