
Announcing 100 Men of Wilmot Who Give a Damn

100 Men Who Give a Damn founder, Mark Murray, at our November 2018 meeting.

Mark Murray would like to announce the formal creation of the "100 Men of Wilmot Who Give a Damn". The organization will mirror the 100 Women Who Care: Wilmot, meaning that the men's organization will meet four times a year, each member will donate $100 at each meeting, and then $10,000 will be awarded to the non-profit organization selected by the majority of the members.

Puddicombe House has once again generously donated their facility to host our quarterly meetings and the John Bear GMC dealership in New Hamburg has agreed to be our first sponsor.

If anyone knows a man in their life that would be interested in becoming one of the 100 Men of Wilmot Who Give a Damn, please have them contact Mark Murray at or 905-693-5400.



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